Prime Minister Narendra Modi, meanwhile, said the sacrifices of soldiers along the border “will not go in vain”. He has called for an all-party meeting at 5 pm on Friday, June 19 to discuss the situation along the India-China border. Presidents of various political parties are expected to take part in the virtual meeting. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, meanwhile, said the sacrifices of soldiers along the border “will not go in vain”. He has called for an all-party meeting at 5 pm on Friday, June 19 to discuss the situation along the India-China border. Presidents of various political parties are expected to take part in the virtual meeting. India, on Wednesday, blamed China for the violent clashes that took place in Galwan valley of Eastern Ladakh. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar spoke to his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi over the phone and told him that “what happened in Galwan was premeditated and planned action by China which was responsible for the sequence of events.”